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Prince GD

Welcome to My Site. I'm a big fans of Big Bang. But I like GD's the most. If you dont like him, make sure be careful or I kick you down. Muahaha. Just Joke.
Gdragon Gdragon GDragon


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Re-edit Fully by Janaaaa
Other stuffs by Atiqah
Basecode & Background by Fatin
Cursor by FatinHalid
GD's picture by weheartit

grr ~ bosan (!)

Entry updated on Thursday 5 May 2011
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huisshh ~ BOSAN (!) . cop2 . na story molly ngan korangg nihh . kenape eak kat FACEBOOK gmai tulis kat wall pasal pakwe/makwe ? Tade ker cite pasal laenn . Bosan doee bace pasal pakwe/makwe . Cube le story pasal makbapak koragg ker , Aku taww ler koragg ade pkwe/mkwe . Btw , takan FB tuh tempat koragg luahkan perasaan terhadap pakwe/mkwe koragg (!) . Sesekali buad lha for koragg nyer BESTIES :) . Tade lha bosan sgt na bace koragg nyer wall . *for koragg yg terase aku ckp nihh sury taww . huahuahu == sajer na ckp , asyk2  status yg same koragg tuliss . huahua . PENING SUDAA ~ carakuhidupku (!) . SINGLE ~~